
4.質の高い教育をみんなに 9.産業と技術革新の基盤を作ろう 12.つくる責任つかう責任 17.パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう


 上記に基づく具体的なアクションの第一歩として、国連のSDGs週間と時期を合わせたソーシャルキャンペーン「SDGs WEEK」をイオンモール多摩平の森で開催した。



■若年層・民間企業等と連携したSDGs WEEKの共同実施
SDGs WEEKはSDGs未来都市に東京で初めて認定された日野市から、“次世代に引き継ぎたい世界”を具体的に発信することを目的とし、「みんなでつくる わくわくな未来がモリモリ!~イオンモールで、知る・学ぶ・はじめるSDGsアクション~」をコンセプトとして、2021年9月17日~10月2日に実施した。主な取組みとして以下2つを紹介する。

SDGs WEEKの会期中、身近なSDGsを知る・学ぶ機会を提供。中学生~大学生が探究的に学んだ社会課題と、地域ブランド・団体・人などの取組みを結び付け、ポスターセッション・展示などで発信した。(テーマ:貧困、飢餓、人権、まちづくり、産業革新、パートナーシップなど)

②「SDGsスタンプラリー withひのミラ・イオンモール多摩平の森」




(若年層・民間企業等と連携したSDGs WEEKの共同実施)

【Hino city】Creating models for sustainable community development and business using the SDGs, and joint implementation of SDGs campaign in collaboration with young people, private companies, etc.

Related Goals
4.質の高い教育をみんなに 9.産業と技術革新の基盤を作ろう 12.つくる責任つかう責任 17.パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう

Aiming to promote the SDGs in the city, we created a model for sustainable community development and business studies in the public and private sectors while working jointly with a private company (AEON Group), Tokyo Metropolitan University, and Hino City. Based on this model, we worked with young people (junior high school, high school, and university students) and companies to build activities that would enable them to discover corporate and community activities.

■Creating models for sustainable community development and business using the SDGs
By 2030, the declining birthrate and aging population not only in Hino City but also in Tokyo overall are expected to change the appearance and behavior of "residents = customers". For this reason, as a goal that can be shared by the public and private sectors, we defined what we would like our "residents = customers" to be like 10 years from now from the perspective of "independence, discovery, and community".
In order to ensure that the actions were sustainable not only from the perspective of social contribution but also from the perspective of business, a framework provided by Tokyo Metropolitan University was utilized, which weights and organizes existing actions, actions to be strengthened, and actions to be discussed over time, while linking them to the goals of the SDGs.
As a concrete first step toward this action, the social campaign "SDGs WEEK" was held at AEON MALL Tamadaira no Mori to coincide with the UN SDGs week.


a framework provided by Tokyo Metropolitan University

■Joint implementation of SDGs campaign in collaboration with young people, private companies, etc.
SDGs WEEK was held from September 17 to October 2, 2021, with the aim of communicating "the world we want to hand down to the next generation" from Hino City, the first city in Tokyo to be certified as an SDGs Future City, under the concept of "Create an Exciting Future Together! "Know, Learn, and Start SDGs Action at AEON Mall". The following two are the main initiatives.

①Hino SDGs Exhibition - So Close to Home! SDGs for Everyone -
During the SDGs WEEK, we provided opportunities to learn about SDGs close to everyday life. The social issues that junior high school students, high school students, and university students learned about through exploratory studies were connected with the efforts of local brands, organizations, and people, and were presented through poster sessions and exhibits.(Themes: poverty, hunger, human rights, community development, industrial innovation, partnerships, etc.)

②「SDGs Stamp Rally with Hinomira and AEON Mall Tamadaira no mori」
Organized by Team Hinomira, a volunteer team of students working on the theme of SDGs, a stamp rally on the theme of "consumption choices (ethical consumption)" was held in cooperation with various stores in the AEON Mall.
Panels were created from the high school students' viewpoints, summarizing "each store's actions," "what kind of world they want to achieve through their actions," "SDGs products recommended by store managers," etc. These panels were posted in front of stores and used as stamping points for visitors to go around.



■Features of this initiative
(Creating models for sustainable community development and business using the SDGs)
As the SDGs become more universal, there is a growing need for collaboration between the public and private sectors. As an expansion of this initiative, studies are being conducted in collaboration with railroad companies.

(Joint implementation of SDGs campaign in collaboration with young people, private companies, etc.)
Despite the difficulties encountered during the COVID-19 pandemic, the following diverse organizations participated in the operation and cooperation. This suggests that there is a certain need for participation in initiatives originating in the community. 
Hinomira (High School Student Team for Creating a Sustainable Future for Hino), Tokyo Metropolitan Hinodai High School, Tokyo Metropolitan Minami Tama Secondary School, Jissen Women's University, Hino Junior Chamber of Commerce, Hino Social Education Center, AEON Mall, AEON Style, GU, St. Mark's Cafe, SEIHA Network, Hino Motors Red Dolphins, Konica Minolta, Hino City