


※審査の結果、後援を見送る場合があります。また、以下「1 当課が後援名義等の付与の対象とする行事」に該当しないと判断した場合、回答いたしかねる場合があります。

1 当課が後援名義等の付与の対象とする行事




※行事の趣旨及び内容により申請先の部署が異なります。「1 当課が後援名義等の付与の対象とする行事」以外につきましては、行事の趣旨及び内容に関連する事業を所管する部署を以下のページでご確認のうえ、直接ご連絡ください。また、過去に後援を承認した行事に関しては、承認担当部署へご連絡ください。


2 各部署において対象とならない行事


(1) 行事が公序良俗に反するものその他社会的な非難を受けるおそれのあるもの

(2) 行事が宗教的又は政治的色彩を有しているもの

(3) 行事が私的な利益を目的としているもの


3 送付書類


4 書類送付先



「1 当課が後援名義等の付与の対象とする行事」をご確認のうえ、該当する行事については、次のメールアドレス宛に書類を送付してください。審査の結果、後援を見送る場合があります。また、対象外と判断した場合、回答いたしかねる場合があります。

政策企画局計画調整部計画調整課 メールアドレス


※ (at) は @ に置き換えてください。

5 行事等実施後の報告


Application for Nominal support for projects promoting SDGs

*Please note that the following procedures are only accepted in Japanese

The Planning and Coordination Division, Office of the Governor for Policy Planning grants nominal support for projects that contribute to the promotion of SDGs after screening based on the notice issued by the Documents Examination Section, Bureau of General Affairs.

Please file the application no later than 45days prior to the date on which you wish to begin using nominal support (including the date on which you will initiate public relations activities with regard to the project on your website, etc. or by printing brochures, etc.) in accordance with the following guidelines.

Please note that nominal support may not be granted as a result of screening process. In addition, we may not be able to answer if the project does not fall within the scope of the following "1 Eligible projects of our division".

1 Eligible projects of our division

Projects that are recognized as contributing to the promotion of our policies, and that take up the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN General Assembly as "SDGs" as their theme, and that fully emphasize the term "SDGs" itself.

Example of eligible projects:
Projects that are held to promote and raise awareness of SDGs, with the word "SDGs" itself clearly and fully used in the title and program

Example of non-eligible projects:
Projects that are indirectly related to the achievement of SDGs, such as those with environmental issues, health, children, and peace as themes, but that do not use the term "SDGs" as a clear and overarching theme.

*Please check the department in charge of projects related to your event and contact the department directly. For events that have been approved in the past, please contact the department in charge of your event.

Bureaus and Departments page

2 Projects not allowed to use nominal support of any bureaus and departments

Please note that the following types of projects are not allowed to use nominal support of any bureaus and departments.

(1) Projects that are offensive to public order and morals or that may cause public criticism

(2) Projects that have a religious or political character

(3) Projects that are intended for personal gain.

*Projects that generate profits or serve as advertising for a specific company fall under the category of "Projects that are intended for personal gain".

3 Documents to be sent

 *Additional documents may be requested if necessary.

4 Where to send documents

Please check the department in charge of projects related to your event and submit your application.

Bureaus and Departments page

Please check "1. Eligible projects of our division" and send documents for applicable projects to the following e-mail address. Please note that nominal support may not be granted as a result of screening process. In addition, we may not be able to answer if the project does not fall within the scope of "Eligible projects".

Planning and Coordination Division, Office of the Governor for Policy Planning.

Email address: S0015001(at)section.metro.tokyo.jp

*Please replace (at) with @.

5 Report on the Completion of the Project

After completion of the project, a summary of the results should be reported in writing as soon as possible. The report can be in any format.