小池都知事がハイレベル・スペシャルセッションに登壇し、江戸時代から続く伝統の中に潜む先人の知恵や精神を受け継ぎ、都市の課題に挑戦する現代の東京についてスピーチを行いました。TOKYO強靭化プロジェクトやSusHi Tech Tokyo等、持続可能な都市に向け東京都が推進している取組を世界へ向けて発信しました。
セッションの録画は、UN Web TV(国連の公式動画配信サイト)にて視聴いただけます
閉会式の録画は、UN Web TV(国連の公式動画配信サイト)にて視聴いただけます
メインセッション(左:東京都からのプレゼンテーション 右:パネルディスカッション)
セッションの録画は、UN Web TV(国連の公式動画配信サイト)にて視聴いただけます
国連が設立したNGOネットワーク組織であるMajor Group for Children and Youthによる、若者たちが国際社会で活躍できる力を育成するためのプログラムにおいて、東京都の長期戦略や都民向けワークショップに関するプレゼンテーションを実施しました。また、都民向けワークショップにて実施中のカードゲームを体験していただき、大いに盛り上がり好評を得ました。
持続可能な都市・地域計画についてハイレベルの視点から議論するパネルディスカッションに参加しました。 また、アジア太平洋地域の各都市の自発的自治体レビュー(VLR)や長期戦略を題材としてセッションを主催し、SDGs実現に向けた取組やVLRの新たな形について議論しました。
小池都知事がビデオメッセージを発出し、自発的自治体レビュー(VLR)の改訂版「Tokyo Sustainability Action 2023」を発表しました。
小池都知事がビデオメッセージを発出し、都道府県初の自発的自治体レビュー(VLR)「Tokyo Sustainability Action」を発表。持続可能な社会の実現に向け、都が世界をリードする考えを表明しました。
Toward the achievement of the SDGs, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) has been disseminating Tokyo's initiatives to the world and building networks with international organizations and cities around the world through participation in international conferences hosted by the United Nations and other events.
History of Participation
The Governor of Tokyo, Koike Yuriko, participated in the high-level special session and the closing ceremony at the World Urban Forum, a conference attended by a wide range of stakeholders including ministers, governors and mayors, UN agencies, academia, and civil society to discuss urban challenges.
In addition, the Director for Planning and Coordination, Office of the Governor for Policy Planning participated in a side event session to discuss how to enhance citizens' awareness of the SDGs.
The Governor participated in the high-level special session and delivered a speech on Tokyo which is tackling urban challenges while inheriting the wisdom and spirit of predecessors, which have lived in the city's traditions since Edo period. She introduced Tokyo's initiatives for creating a sustainable city, such as "TOKYO Resilience Project" and "SusHi Tech Tokyo".
You can watch the video of this session on UN Web TV(Official video streaming service by the UN)
The Governor participated in the closing ceremony as a speaker, referring to the critical issues cities face today that were discussed at the Forum, including housing crisis and intensification and frequency of disasters caused by climate change and presenting Tokyo's initiatives related to these issues. In her speech, as a female city leader, she also emphasized the importance of women's participation in urban policies as well as the need to include gender perspectives in cross-border collaboration and cooperation.
You can watch the video of the closing ceremony on UN Web TV(Official video streaming service by UN)
The Director for Planning and Coordination, Office of the Governor for Policy Planning participated in a session held at the Malaysian Government Pavilion and gave a presentation on the Tokyo's long-term strategy and the workshop for Tokyo residents.
Participants experienced the SDGs card game, which is being played at the workshop for Tokyo residents and the game was highly evaluated by participants. Then they discussed how to promote understanding of the SDGs and effective tools for enhancing citizen's awareness.
TMG gave a presentation on "TOKYO Resilience Project" and introduced the initiatives that incorporate advanced technologies. We discussed utilization of innovative technologies such as AI with representatives of UN organizations and cities from around the world.
TMG gave a presentation on the long-term strategy, "Tokyo Green Biz" and "TOKYO Resilience Project" at Malaysia Sarawak Urban Forum first independently organized by Sarawak state which held Malaysia Urban Forum in FY2023.
TMG participated in the main session and side event sessions at Malaysia Urban Forum which was organized by an organization established by the Malaysian Government. This forum was an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss and present their initiatives about sustainable urban development.
TMG gave a presentation on "Future Tokyo: Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy", the Voluntary Local Review (VLR) workshop for Tokyo municipalities and the SDGs workshop for Tokyo residents, and discussed with stakeholders from UN organizations, Malaysia and other countries.
Main session (Left: Tokyo's presentation Right: Panel discussion)
TMG hosted a side event session for the first time at UN High-Level Political Forum organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA) at UN Headquarters. This forum was an opportunity for stakeholders from around the world including UN member states to follow up and review the SDGs (Our session is the only session hosted by a local government this time).
TMG also participated in other sessions organized by UN and other organizations as a panelist and gave presentations on Tokyo's long-term strategy and Voluntary Local Review (VLR).
Click here for the official website of UN High Level Political Forum 2024
Under the theme of specific measures to enhance citizens' awareness of SDGs and promote proactive initiatives, TMG discussed with panelists from a UN organization, an NGO and academia.
In addition, all participants, including the audience, experienced SDGs card game being played in the workshop for Tokyo residents, and the game was highly evaluated by them as an effective tool for experiencing viewpoint of mayors and the significance of SDG measures.
Side Event Program (click to view PDF)
Workshop(SDGs card game)
A picture of this session has been posted on the social media of UN organization.
In addition to TMG, the Government of South Africa, the Government of Italy, the City of Bonn (Germany), the City of Buenos Aires (Argentina), and UN organizations participated as panelists to discuss the roles of Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) for achieving the SDGs.
TMG gave a presentation on the long-term strategy and contents of VLR from the perspective of multilevel dialogue between national and local governments and inclusive governance, which were the subjects of this session.
Tokyo's presentation
You can watch the video of this session on the website of UN-DESA
Click here for the concept note of this session
In addition to TMG, UN organization, the Government of Tunisia, the Kasserine Governorate of Tunisia, and the Association of Finnish Local Authorities participated in the discussion on promotion of the SDGs at local level.
TMG gave a presentation on the long-term strategy and contents of VLR from the perspective of urban resilience and the use of innovation, which were the subjects of this session.
Tokyo's presentation
You can watch the video of this session on UN Web TV(Official video streaming service by UN)
Click here for the concept note of this session
TMG gave a presentation on the long-term strategy and the workshop for Tokyo residents at a capacity building program hosted by Major Group for Children and Youth, an NGO network established by the UN. This program was designed to develop the capacity of young people to play an active role in the international community. The participants enjoyed SDGs card game being played at the workshop for Tokyo residents and the game was highly evaluated.
After the program
TMG gave a presentation on "TOKYO Resilience Project" and introduced the initiatives that incorporate advanced technologies. We discussed how we can reduce disaster risk with representatives of UN organizations and cities from around the world.
You can watch the video of this session on YouTube
TMG participated in the plenary panel of the Asia-Pacific Urban Forum hosted by UN-ESCAP to discuss sustainable urban development and regional planning from a high-level perspective.
TMG also hosted a session on the Voluntary Local Review (VLR) and Tokyo's long-term strategies in Asia-Pacific region, and discussed efforts to realize SDGs and new forms of VLR.
TMG gave a presentation on "TOKYO Resilience Project" and discussed urban planning to adapt to climate change with representatives of UN organizations and cities from around the world.
Tokyo Governor Koike Yuriko delivered a video message and unveiled revised the Voluntary Local Review (VLR) "Tokyo Sustainability Action 2023".
TMG gave a presentation on the Voluntary Local Review (VLR) and the SDGs initiatives at the workshop co-organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA), the Government of Finland, and the City of Helsinki, discussed with cities and international organizations from around the world.
Tokyo Governor Koike Yuriko delivered a video message announcing "Tokyo Sustainability Action", the first Voluntary Local Review(VLR) published by a prefectural government. In this message, Governor Koike expressed that Tokyo will lead the world for realizing a sustainable society.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) has been supporting initiatives of Tokyo municipalities by providing capacity building training programs for the SDGs training. In addition to basic trainings, TMG invited instructors from overseas to share advanced SDGs initiatives, and also held a workshop on formulation of Voluntary Local Review (VLR).
Instructor:The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Instructor:ICLEI South Asia*
City of Amsterdam(Netherlands) University of Amsterdam Applied Sciences
City of Grenoble(France)
※South Asian branch of a global network of more than 2,500 cities, towns and regions committed to building a sustainable future(Main office: India)