

2015年9月の国連サミットで採択されたSDGs(Sustainable Development Goals、持続可能な開発目標)は、持続可能な世界を実現に向けた、先進国を含む全ての国々の共通目標です。SDGsの目標達成には、国レベルの取組だけでなく、自治体レベルの取組が期待されています。東京都が策定した「『未来の東京』戦略」を通じて、世界をリードする政策を展開し、「誰一人取り残さない」包摂的な社会を創っていくというSDGsの理念を実現していきます。


























東京都では令和5年度より、区市町村と連携しSDGsを主体的に学べる都民向けワークショップを開催しています。 地域で既に親しまれているお祭りやイベントにブースを出展することにより、都民の機運醸成を推進しています。




令和4年8月20日(土)、東京都は、SDGsを楽しく学べる都民向けイベント「【わかる!今日からできる!】夏のSDGsの集い」を開催いたしました。以下の報告ページから、今日からできるSDGsの取組のヒントを知り、今日から実践してみましょう! 次の画像をクリックしてください。





Tokyo Sustainability Action

令和5年7月13日、東京都は、SDGs実現に向けた取組の概要や考え方などを取りまとめた「Tokyo Sustainability Action 2023」を公表しました。本文書は、令和3年7月に東京都の「自発的自治体レビュー※」として作成した「Tokyo Sustainability Action」を改訂したもので、世界の大都市が共通して抱える課題の解決に資することが期待されます。

※「自発的自治体レビュー(VLR: Voluntary Local Review)」

Tokyo Sustainability Action 2023(英語のみ)

同日、小池都知事は国連ハイレベル政治フォーラムにおいてビデオメッセージを発出し、東京都のSDGs推進施策や「Tokyo Sustainability Action 2023」の公表について発信しました。

Tokyo Sustainability Action(2021)

「未来の東京」戦略 ~みんなでつくろう未来の東京~ 2030年・SDGsを実現












"Future Tokyo: Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy" and the SDGs

Leading the Way in Solving Global Issues and Realizing a Sustainable Tokyo

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted at the UN Summit in September 2015, are common goals for all countries, including developed countries, to achieve a sustainable world.


In order to achieve the goals of the SDGs, it is expected that efforts will be made not only at the national level but also at the local level. Through the "Future Tokyo: Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy" formulated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, we will develop world-leading policies and realize the SDG philosophy of creating an inclusive society where "no one is left behind.

"Future Tokyo: Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy" and the SDGs

"Future Tokyo: Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy", formulated in March 2021, aligns its direction with the SDGs. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government will realize a sustainable Tokyo by vigorously promoting the projects set forth in the Strategy from the perspective of the SDGs.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government, municipalities, citizens, businesses, universities, and other diverse entities will encourage voluntary action and collaboration, and will expand the circle of such initiatives from Tokyo to the rest of Japan and the world.

Click here for the SDGs page of the "Future Tokyo: Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy"

The following is an overview of the SDG-related initiatives described in the "Future Tokyo: Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy".

1. TMG to take the initiative to strongly promote policies from the perspective of SDGs

Along with clarifying the relationship between Future Tokyo projects and each goal, we will comprehensively approach challenges faced by the metropolitan government from the perspective of the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social, and environmental.

With respect to initiatives implemented from the SDGs perspective, we will employ the PDCA cycle and have this contribute to solid achievement of project goals and further enhancement of measures.


Promotion of HTT<ⒽHerasu(Save)・ⓉTsukuru(Generate)・ⓉTameru(Store) Electricity>


The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is strengthening and implementing initiatives across the metropolitan government under the keywords of HTT (ⒽHerasu, ⓉTsukuru, ⓉTameru) to address climate change crisis and to ensure energy security in the medium to long term, and is also asking for the cooperation of Tokyo residents and businesses.
Please click the image on the right.

2. Realize a sustainable Tokyo together with the municipalities

Tokyo municipalities who are the closest source of government services for Tokyo residents, will promote distinctive initiatives for SDGs formulated based on local issues and share these initiatives with other municipalities, etc.

In this way, while partnering with municipalities, we will work to realize a sustainable city.


Capacity building training programs for Tokyo municipalities

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) has been supporting initiatives of Tokyo municipalities by providing capacity building training programs for SDGs. TMG has offered a variety of contents such as basic trainings and forums to introduce advanced initiatives of Tokyo municipalities, while strengthening networks among municipalities. In addition, TMG invited instructors from overseas to share advanced SDGs initiatives, and also held a workshop on formulation of Voluntary Local Review (VLR).
Click here for details of the past training programs

3. Realize a sustainable Tokyo together with various actors, including the people of Tokyo, companies, and universities

By sharing an awareness throughout society that the actions of each individual will save the planet and working to popularize SDGs, which could be considered a "universal language," to bring about a change in the behavior of a variety of actors, including Tokyo residents, companies, and universities, we will make all of Tokyo a sustainable city.

Click here for projects currently nominally supported by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.


Related page: Information Dissemination Platform *This page is written in Japanese

This is a platform for disseminating information on education and research related to Tokyo's sustainable development and the 17 SDGs, which are being undertaken by each of the universities participating in the Regular Roundtable Meetings with Universities.


SDGs workshop for Tokyo Residents

Since FY2023, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) has been holding workshops for Tokyo residents to learn about SDGs on their own initiative in cooperation with Tokyo municipalities.
By joining festivals and events that are already well-known in local communities, TMG is building momentum among Tokyo residents.
In FY2023, workshops were held in four municipalities, and from FY2024, the number of workshops will be expanded to provide more people with an opportunity to think about SDGs.


Click here for details of the workshop

SDGs Event for Tokyo Residents

On Saturday, August 20, 2022, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government held an event for Tokyo residents to learn about the SDGs in a fun way. "Summer SDGs Gathering"

From the following report page, you can learn tips for SDG actions you can take today, and start putting them into practice today! Please click the following image.

4. Realize a sustainable society together with all of Japan and the world

In the lead-up to realizing the society aspired to by SDGs, through efforts such as promoting Tokyo's proactive initiatives, the TMG will work with major cities across Japan and the world to tackle challenges together.

Click here for the details of our global initiatives, including participation in international conferences and training programs with instructors from overseas.


Tokyo Sustainability Action

On July 13th 2023, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) unveiled "Tokyo Sustainability Action 2023" a summary of our efforts to realize the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This booklet is positioned as a revised version of "Tokyo Sustainability Action" which was released in March of 2021 as a Voluntary Local Review (VLR)*. It is expected to contribute to solving issues commonly faced by large cities around the world.

*Voluntary Local Review (VLR): an international initiative in which local governments voluntarily review their measures and progress toward the achievement of SDGs, and submit a public report on the results of the review to the United Nations.

Tokyo Sustainability Action 2023

On the same day, Tokyo Governor Koike Yuriko delivered a video message highlighting "Tokyo Sustainability Action 2023" at the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development under the auspice of the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

Tokyo Sustainability Action(2021)

"Future Tokyo: Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy" - Let's create the future Tokyo together - Achieving the SDGs in 2030

In March 2021, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government formulated the"Future Tokyo: Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy", which will serve as a new compass for the metropolitan government, and is promoting initiatives to create a bright future Tokyo.

We have created a video explaining the "Future Tokyo" Strategy, using the SDGs as a starting point, so that elementary and junior high school students can think about the future Tokyo together.

Join us for a quiz and think about the future of Tokyo with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government mascots.

<For elementary and junior high school students>

Please fill out the worksheet and send your opinions to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government regarding your ideas for the "Future Tokyo".
We will use your opinions in the formulation of future strategies.

Future Tokyo" Worksheet (Google Forms) ※Japanese only

<To teachers of elementary and junior high schools in Tokyo>

This video can be used in school classes and for tablet learning

How to Use Videos and Worksheets in the Classroom (PDF)  ※Japanese only

Instructions for Using Worksheets (PDF)  ※Japanese only

Novelty Application Form (Google Forms)  ※Japanese only